Category Archives: Announcement

International Best Seller!!

In December 2018 the book was launched and became a Best Seller in less than 24 hours! I am one of the co-authors of this inspirational book.

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New Book: Daily Inspirational Poems

I started composing Haiku-style poems in 1999. When people suggested I publish my poems, I began collecting them in one place (an Excel spreadsheet). When I had 365 poems my plan was to publish them in a book, one poem … Continue reading

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Internet Radio Interview

June 16, 2015 radio interview, as a guest of Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Voice America View Bonnie’s primary website

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Book is available online!

Weave the Threads of Your Life: Create Your New Life was published December 2, 2014. Bonnie takes her readers on a journey of self-discovery. Using her own life experiences, Bonnie candidly shares how her life experiences created self-doubt, and then she … Continue reading

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