Have you experienced times in your life when things seem to flow with very little effort? Would you like to experience that more often? What would it take to be ‘in the flow’ more often?
I find that taking inspired action helps. We are a very action oriented society. Some actions give us the results we want; some actions create stress, and what we might call negative results. How do we know which actions are inspired, and which might take us down the ‘wrong path’ or pull us ‘off track’? I like to take a deep breath, breathing into the heart area, and allow my heart to guide me. The Institute of HeartMath has many powerful tools that we can use to listen to the heart’s intelligence.
I have been improving my connection to Spirit. There are many ways to do this. Meditation is a powerful tool. Some people think that it takes a lot of time to meditate, and I hear people say “I simply can’t stop my thoughts.” I remember doing a 21-day meditation challenge led by davidji. I learned a lot from that experience, and from listening to davidji recently. We don’t need to stop our thoughts. We can simply allow them to come and go, watching them as if they were on a flashing marquee. The important thing is to not get stressed about them, or get hooked into a long and stressful inner dialogue with them. Using a mantra, or focusing on our breath, is helpful. You can also gently remind yourself to focus on your breath, focus on your heart.
There are many powerful spiritual teachers on the planet now. Panache Desai is one of them. I participated in his recent 21-day Ultimate Energy Immersion. I agree with Panache that we need to release old pent-up emotions. Since 2008 I’ve been helping myself and others release trapped emotions, old energies that block us from experiencing joy, love, Inner Wisdom, and keep us in patterns that no longer serve us. It is wonderful to know that many tools and techniques are available that help us heal and evolve.
We are all amazing! We are human beings, not human doings. Too much effort, the kind that is forced and stressful, actually gets in the way of our living the lives that we desire and are meant to have. I hope you find the right tool(s) that lead to flow in your life. It is a wonderful experience, and we all deserve it!