Creative Women (new book)

I keep getting new ideas for books. My first 3 books I wrote by myself. I have the urge now to create collaborative books. I had the idea years ago to write a collaborative book titled “Beware: They Do Shoot the Messenger.” That project is in process. I now want to create a book with stories from or about creative women who are making a difference in the world. I’ve known women who consider themselves just ordinary, and yet my perception is that they make a difference in the lives of those around them.

I created instructions for potential authors for this new book. Women can write a story about themselves, or about a woman, or women, who they want to recognize for their contribution to the world.

Click to read Instructions for Potential Authors of Creative Women.

As an example for potential authors, below is a draft of my chapter in the book.

Do I consider myself creative? I would have said no a few years ago. I have been primarily a logical, left brain, analytical thinker. I loved math and science when I was in high school. My major in college was math. My first career was as a math teacher. My second career was as a computer programmer, analyst, and manager. In 1999 I learned to write Haiku poems. My first thought when I was given the assignment to write Haiku poems was “I’m not a poet. I’m not creative in that way.

My poems are popular, and I self-published my first book of Inspirational Poems in 2012. I self-published my second volume of Inspirational Poems in 2013. I’m working on my third poetry book now.

In the mid 1980’s, a small voice inside told me I was going to write a book. My first question was “What kind of book?” It took many years to answer that question. In 2002 I started to write the book which I finally published December 2, 2014. The title of the book is Weave the Threads of Your Life: Create Your New Life.

I recently attended a one-day workshop with Michael Tertes, to discover my Super Powers. After lunch Michael worked with me to refine an identified power I have, which we chose to call Blueprint Visionary. I’ve known for many years that when I’m in a group, I naturally know where the group is headed, and how they can get there. I interviewed some of my friends before Michael’s workshop, and they confirmed that they’ve seen me do this in groups.

As Michael was questioning me about this ability, or Super Power as he calls it, he noticed that I was discounting, or taking it for granted. It comes to me so naturally, that I think nothing about it. He asked the other 17 people in the workshop if any of them do this. None of them do it in the same way I do. Is this a unique ability that I have? Is this my way of thinking ‘outside the box’ and being creative?

I discovered other super powers in Michael’s workshop. It is the unique combination of powers that fascinates me. We all have a unique combination of gifts and talents, Super Powers, that we can use to improve our lives and the lives of others.

I’m asking the question, what does society need from me now? How can I be creative and serve more people? How can I make a difference in the world?

About Bonnie

Wellness Consultant and Inspirational Coach
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