A new day, a new year, a new way of being!
What if we could erase the past, like erasing the white board that is our life?
What would our lives be like if we started the day with a ‘clean slate’?
How can we use our creativity to create the day in a way that makes us feel fully alive, fully awake?
My intention is to have an eraser in my hand. Every time I recognize that something from the past is popping up, triggering a thought or feeling, causing me upset, I am going to use that eraser to simply erase the past!
Can it be that simple? Can we stop complicating our lives? Can we choose to use the eraser in a playful, relaxed way?
My intention in 2015 is to find ways to simplify, to allow life to bring me experiences of peace, joy and love!
Will you join me?